

19 artikelen

Refrigeration units are among the basic elements of catering equipment. They ensure freshness of products and hygienic conditions for food storage, which translates into the quality of dishes and their depth of taste and aroma. 

Arktic was created with a view to raising standards in the catering market. We want food to be safe from bacteria. After all, there is nothing better than fresh food, which customers value at every step. 

Our basic assortment includes refrigerator and freezer counters and cabinets. However, this is far from everything. We also offer blast chillers, valued on the European market by many restaurateurs, as well as ice cube machines. 

Before you feel the taste of dishes, they should draw your attention. That is why a display is so important. In our assortment you will find a wide range of refrigeration and confectionery display cabinets. They are built in various shapes and configurations, so that they fit your interior design as closely as possible. 


Arktic is constantly expanding its product offer thanks to its growing experience. We want every restaurant, ice-cream parlour, café, and even a grocery store owner to find the product ideally suited to their individual needs. We look at catering in a broad sense. We don't focus what is impossible. We want to FIND THE BEST SOLUTION FOR YOU. 

You can find us in majority of European countries e.g. Austria, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Romania etc. Regardless of where you are in the world, quality is what counts in catering. This, for us, is the most important


  • Arktic Opzetkoelvitrine RVS Deksel 6xGN1/3 140cm
    € 654 556,00
  • Arktic Koelwerkbank met 4 lades Profi Line 280L
    € 2375 2.019,00
  • Arktic Koelbank met 3 deuren Kitchen Line 380L
    € 1495 1.271,00
  • Arktic koelvitrinekast 58L wit - 233610
    € 525 446,00
  • Arktic koelkast met 2 deuren Profi Line 1240 liter- 232125
    € 2995 2.545,00
  • Arktic Pizzawerkbank met 3 deuren 380L
    € 1695 1.441,00
  • Arktic Saladette met 2 deuren en verhoogde GN vitrine 300L
    € 1095 931,00
  • Arctic Koelwerkbank met 3 deuren Profi Line 420L
    € 1895 1.611,00
  • Arktic koelvitrinekast 58L Zwart - 233627
    € 525 446,00
  • Arktic Pizzawerkbank met 3 deuren en koelvitrine 380+40L
    € 2350 1.997,00
  • Arktic Koelwerkbank met 2 deuren Profi Line 280L
    € 1595 1.355,00
  • Arktic Saladette met 3 deuren en verhoogde GN vitrine 380L
    € 1695 1.441,00
  • Arktic RVS vriezer met enkele deur Profi Line 670 liter
    € 2095 1.780,00
  • Arktic Vrieswerkbank met 2 deuren Profi Line 280L
    € 1895 1.611,00
  • Arktic Saladette met 2 deuren 300L
    € 995 846,00
  • Arktic Saladette met 3 deuren 380L
    € 1450 1.233,00
  • Arktic Koelbank met 2 deuren Kitchen Line 300L
    € 1095 931,00
  • Arktic Vrieswerkbank met 3 deuren Profi Line 420L
    € 2195 1.865,00
  • Arktic RVS Koelkast enkele deur Profi Line 670 liter - 232118
    € 1895 1.610,00